Celebrating Christmas
Christmas, the most highest regarded of all celebration in a year. Families meet at least once for this great event, and why not we celebrate the greatest day since the history of mankind - the birthday of our Savious Jesus Christ - who created us, came as a mere human for our sake, died as a substitute for you and me? Yes indeed this must be the greatest day of the year.
Sadly there is something very wrong in the way we celebrate it, and we have been 'made' to celebrate Christmas so blindly that we never asked why we do certain thing on Christmas. Or is it because we never were given a chance to question it? That is how clever the enemy has been.
There were some of my friends of course, who asked me or kept asking me occassionally, "What does Santa Claus mean?", "Why do we celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus and the Christmas Tree?"
I used to tell doubtful friends that Santa, the Tree, are just some stories of good persons of ancient times, and the Tree must be some good symbolism. Only yesterday the Lord inspired me to read Deut. 7 where I came across Asherah poles in Canaan. I Googled it and came across the entire allegory of symbolism used for Christmas is completely anti-christian.
Remember this tree? This is the Tree of the "Knowledge of Good and Evil" which brought all of us into the mess what we are today. So many pictures, carvings, paintings, of ancient times as well as recent have similar pictures of Adam and Eve near the Tree and Satan represented by the Snake swirled around the Trunk of the Tree.
This exact replica can be seen each year IN OUR HOUSES! This is the greatest disaster we can ever have done - keep a replica tree of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in our own homes and celebrate Christmas with it.
Note the swirling of the snake around the tree trunk is also replicated with the long rope hanging decoration that swirls around the tree.
To make matters worse, we also have our dear Santa Claus with his reindeers flying around the North Pole pictures and plastic mould decorations all our homes and Churches.

There were some of my friends of course, who asked me or kept asking me occassionally, "What does Santa Claus mean?", "Why do we celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus and the Christmas Tree?"
I used to tell doubtful friends that Santa, the Tree, are just some stories of good persons of ancient times, and the Tree must be some good symbolism. Only yesterday the Lord inspired me to read Deut. 7 where I came across Asherah poles in Canaan. I Googled it and came across the entire allegory of symbolism used for Christmas is completely anti-christian.
Why do we celebrate Christmas with the Christmas Tree?
Remember this tree? This is the Tree of the "Knowledge of Good and Evil" which brought all of us into the mess what we are today. So many pictures, carvings, paintings, of ancient times as well as recent have similar pictures of Adam and Eve near the Tree and Satan represented by the Snake swirled around the Trunk of the Tree.
This exact replica can be seen each year IN OUR HOUSES! This is the greatest disaster we can ever have done - keep a replica tree of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in our own homes and celebrate Christmas with it.
Note the swirling of the snake around the tree trunk is also replicated with the long rope hanging decoration that swirls around the tree.
To make matters worse, we also have our dear Santa Claus with his reindeers flying around the North Pole pictures and plastic mould decorations all our homes and Churches.
Who is Santa Claus?
I really don't know why he took the name "Santa Claus", but one thing is so sure is that this is Nimrod - the great grandson of Noah. It was Nimrod who was responsible for building Babel tower and the Babylonian kingdoms were under him. He was one of the most supreme deity in the Mystery Religions of Babylon.
Look at this picture of Nimrod - he is holding a reindeer in one hand and a tree on the other, has a long beard. This is exactly what we picturize in the person of Santa Claus.
25 December is Nimrod's birthday
What more can you get at? December 25 is Nimrod's birthday? His birthday is celebrated as the "Rebirth of the Sun" after our Earth goes farthest away from the Sun at the Winter Solstice on December 21 and returns on 24th. December 25th is the first day of the growing cycle of the elliptical orbit of the Sun and this day was declared as his birthday. That's why we have Santa Claus the real birthday man (not Jesus) everywhere in Christmas and usually Jesus is always left out.
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