War against Secret Societies

Even kids influenced by Satanism

For a long time I'm gathering information about Secret Societies such as Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Knights Templars, cult groups Jehova's Witnessess and the LDS. I've documented some information on a website and recently discussed with few friends who knew something about the subject. We've been planning to form a regular prayer session in which we could place all these groups that work under Satan's instructions that cause a lot of harm to innocent people, to pray for people's deliverance, and to plan how to carry out the work.

Today we've been finally able to start this prayer group in Bro. Manohar's house along with Bro. Karthik. Unlike any other day, I went unprepared to conduct the prayer also left my laptop computer at home which I had a powerpoint presentation that I planned to present. Though unprepared God showed me to start the session with Genesis 1:1-3 explaining how God introduces himself in verse 1 as a Creator displaying his Pre-Existence and Self-Sustaining nature and that the devil does not have such quality.

Then God amazingly led me to read Psalms 2 which describes how the "Nations conspire against God", and
what judgement awaits them those who do bad things against God and His followers.
Why do the nations conspire
    and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth rise up
    and the rulers band together
    against the Lord and against his anointed
All world leaders (Kings of the earth) are members of one or more Secret Societies
Both these starting verses amazingly points out exactly to the Secret Societies who 'Conspire' and plot evil schemes in vain, and Kings of the earth rise against the Lord. This is exactly what Freemasonry and Illuminati or any other secret group is all about.
The One enthroned in heaven laughs;s
    the Lord scoffs at them. Ps. 2:4
God looks down at these crazy top elite going about doing something futile and useless, and laughs at them so hard. 
I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son;
    today I have become your father.
Ask me,
    and I will make the nations your inheritance,
    the ends of the earth your possession.
9 You will break them with a rod of iron;
    you will dash them to pieces like pottery.” - Ps. 2
The last verse in the above passage (v9) was our greatest highlight and God given inspired message and encouragement - He has given us the power over all such big people plotting in vain and says we have authority over them we can break and shatter them into pieces like pottery! This is what we received from God today. I've read this passage a few times in the past but never really got the essence of this verse. God has already given us dominion and power over all Satanic these forces and the groups that physically go about in this world. We will break them in Jesus' Name! dash them to pieces like pottery.

This is what we should be doing

Gone are the days I was afraid of them that they'll do something against me, or even take away my life. Now I have God's own word and his divine message given through revelation. This is exactly what I intended to do when I first knew the Satanic conspiracies - break them into pieces!

If you understand what we are talking about you must have a good idea of what we are doing. Kindly uphold us in your prayers.


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