In the beginning God created!

 In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 NKJV
This is one of the most wonderful and divinely inspired verses in the bible, although known to many of us, the real depth of it's meaning is hidden in plain sight! Look at the message this tiny little verse gives us:

In the beginning GOD...

Imagine yourself going thousands of years backwards in time, well let say millions and billions of years back! Our Earth was not even formed, neither did any of the celestial bodies we know, the Universe is in it's early stage. Go back further, even before God started to create anything. Yes even before he started to create the Heavens and it's host of angels..

There was nothing in all creation. No Earth, no Universe, no heaven, nor even angels!
There was only God. The Triune God in perfect communion, holy union, bond in love.

There was nothing in all creation except the self existing GOD properly known Elohim. He was existing for ever and ever from eternity past, displaying his self sufficiency and self sustaining nature which no thing or no created being in capable of. Only God can sustain himself without any dependance to anything!

Through Him the Heavens were created and also the natural world - the Universe. For anything to be able to exist it must root itself to it's Creator, without being connected to the Creator nothing will be able to sustain it's form. Only the Creator knows how to mend any flaws, fix abnormalities within itself, set right any changes in the system in which it functions. In plain words, the Universe or the Heavenly beings need the Creator to it's existence and sustenance.

Therefore the opening words of the Bible, "In the beginning GOD..." gives a tremendous insight into who God is, His amazing power rule the Heavens, the created Universe and everything that is within it, without God their inability to even exist. In the beginning GOD! Now let this amazing truth get in you, the message of the very first words of the scripture inspire you into fellowship with your Creator! Whoever you are, whatever race you belong to, whatever financial class you are in, YOU NEED YOUR CREATOR TO EXIST!

In the beginning GOD created

In the beginning GOD created the Heavens and the Earth. Gen. 1:1 Let us look closely at this,
"In the beginning God (Elohim = plural) created the Heavens (shamaim = plural) and the Earth." 

Triune God Expressed

This verse gives a clear picture of who or what God is like. The Hebrew name for God given here is "Elohim" a peculiar word conveying plurality and singularity at the same time! God is not a single being but many, the Triune God head is expressed in the very first words of the scripture! Though God displays His multiple form of being He is one being. He is not Three different beings united together for a purpose, He is just one person just like you and me. Deuteronomy 6:4 says, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one."

Multiple Heavens

The Hebrew word for heaven given is 'Shamaim', the -im at the end indicates plurality. He did not just create a Heaven, but HEAVENS. More than one Heaven was created, I will post more on how many heavens there are in my posts soon.

God is a Creator, He himself is not just one being but many, and He did not just create one single Heaven but many.

We Have GOD's Quality

Since we have also been created in the image and likeness of God himself, we too have this creating ability to a small extent. Although we may not have the ability to create new worlds now, we certainly do have the ability to create a world around us! We can create new entities, like a family, a business, or a fellowship, and by our will, sustain them. Man has this amazing ability to create an idea - a thought and plan it in such a way to make a physical manifestation of it - like making a car! Someone imagined the need to have a travel vehicle, planned it in their mind, sketched it, molded the parts, and assemble it into a fully functional car!

We all have the ability to form things around us into the way and style we like it to be. We can have family and friends according to our tastes and liking, can have a career according to our likes, a house like we want, because we have the ability of God himself. We can collectively accomplish a lot more than we can ever imagine if we work together in the same mind, in oneness.

Now our purpose of all this I believe is to glorify God by expanding His Kingdom on Earth, overthrow Satan and his establishments in our lives and in our society. A combined force is a lot more powerful than what we can do single. Let the God Quality shine through you, because In the beginning GOD created!!!


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