Focus on God's promises, final Victory is Yours!

Almost every single person is under the blow of the cosmic battle that began when time first began. Every single believer faces storms that are almost very equal to his/her strength, and possibly more powerful sometimes. That is where God comes in the scene. God has planned our deliverance through His eternal plan of Salvation through redemption by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ, God's own Son, a part of the Triune God more perfectly known as the 'Word of God' which became flesh is with us! God has given us freely His own spirit - the Holy Spirit to reside in us to take care and lead us through life's toughest battles. The Word is what we have right in our hands in the form of the Bible, with all of God's promises to fill us with to give hope in times of hopelessness.

And now we have the  assurances of God's promises to keep us going especially in tough times. Satan shows us a audio-visual media to develop fear in our hearts, so we may be disturbed, loose hope in life, loose hope in God's existence, denounce God and accept our failure. This audio visual is our own situations! Our situations make us loose hope in our efforts, hopes, positives. But in all these situations, we have the Word of God that is more powerful than all these situations, more powerful than all these failures, God's Word is more powerful than our sickness, failure, and losses. God's Word can change our situations from complete negativitiy into God's planned abundance of everything! Yes i mean EVERYTHING!

You just need to keep your focus on God's promises alone. The final victory is YOURS!
“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. - Joshua 1:7,8


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