10 signs that you are backsliding
10 signs that you are not in the right path as a Christian! Check list (It's for everyone including me)
1. You think hearing the word of God is boring whenever you have a chance to listen to.
2. You no longer have interest in sound doctrine but love to listen to ear tickling sermons and fantasy stories. You also will like to twist the word of God as your wish and mislead people.
3. You love to sing sing sing and dance dance dance but when it comes to sermon part you will walk away or nondify your mobile.
4. You always love to listen to your favorite worship leader's songs on YouTube. But not their messages. Also you will love your favorite worship leaders more than Jesus Himself. You are just crazy for them!
5. You no longer have interest in reading your bible, mediation and prayer. You think just going to church, concert, fellowship is enough to maintain your relationship with Jesus.
6. You will not respect elders anymore, you will think you know everything and you hate advise. You will start to fight misusing 'Don't judge others' verse.
7. You love music more than the lyrics (Word of God) in gospel songs.
8. You like to potrait your'self' more than glorifying God in your all means of life.
9. You are full of ego, hatred, jealous, inferiority, pride, self righteousness and unforgivingness. Simply no Christ like love in you.
10. You no longer have interest in spreading the gospel. But just want to become fame and to get popular by using God's name in vain.
Godson GD (Facebook)
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