Christ mass by Pastor Robert Simon


December 25: Universal Festival
Celebrate! Celebrate!!
Transcending race, tongue, religion and creed - celebrate!
Celebrate with Santa!
Dazzling stars dispel darkness and gloom!
Trendy decored Xmas trees -  They are: Must! Must!
Mid-night carols – boys and girls, men and women – breeze cheers in chillness.
Jazzy apparel, dangling jewellery - mawkish festive joy add.
Ride jingle bells, jingle bells with Miss Fanny Bright ( or, anyone in your royal preference) seated by your side – And, fun all the way. Fun! Fun! Fun!
Swim in wine; add a little beer. Enjoy! – there is reason for season.
Celebrate! Celebrate!!

Jesus! Oh! No!
No place for him in this fun loving rivellry mood. Strait-laced lack lustre guru is he. Narrow is the path, he paves. Marooned company is his. Scary doomsday casters! Moral boasters.  Fun and frolic, anathema.
Jesus! Oh! No!

‘Whom will ye that I release unto you at this festival?,’ asks the Governor.
‘Santa. Santa.’ Jingle bells jangle jangle in silent night.
‘What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?,’ Governor’s lone voice mutters.
They all say unto him, ‘Crucify! Crucify!!’

Jesus died for our transgressions. Our iniquities are laid on Him.
Christ, our Mass!
(mass = sacrifice, திருப்பலி)

- Pastor Robert Simon


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