Satanic ritual abuse survivor's amazing testimony
The following is a shortened-version of my testimony. My book, I Choose Jesus, is about my life's testimony. It's available on Amazon.
Imagine having to fight from early childhood to serve Jesus...imagine having to fight against lucifer himself. Now, imagine surviving this and living a life fighting the darkness. Imagine being a five and six year old girl and wanting only to follow Jesus yet being tortured for it - this isn't a testimony of somebody in the Middle East or China. This is my testimony: a little girl from America encountering severe persecution and torment for following Jesus. I have shared portions of my testimony before and my closest friends know my testimony but I felt like it was time to share my testimony here.I recently wrote a book, I Choose Jesus, about my entire testimony - this is just a shortened version. What you are about to read may shock and scare you, that is if you have no prior knowledge or experience with the cult. But, I want to share my story in hopes that somebody somewhere will not give up - no matter what you are going through.
Infancy and Toddler years
I come from a long line of black magick. My biological " donors" (whom have never earned the title of parents) both had satanic blood lines. Her family was involved in the Illuminati ( in the top 100 families) and his family was in the top 33 families of the Illuminati. Anyhow, back to my story, if you know anything about the way luciferianism works you will know that babies, inside their mom's womb, have curses placed upon them just from being created for luciferianism. Yes, even demons are called upon the children in the womb so that when they are born they are demonized. This is what they wanted me to be. You see, he wanted to sacrifice me when I was only a few months old. Usually, babies are sacrificed between seven and nine months. When I born, I was very sick - I believe God used this for my advantage. What I mean is that, although they were able to start abusing me during infancy, they could not fulfill all that they planned. A few weeks after I was born, Child Protective Services pulled me out of there. I always feel like, even though CPS is evil, Jesus used them for my good - otherwise, I would have been sacrificed, too. I was then shipped off to the foster care system. I was in and out of several foster homes. However, the one that I was at before I was adopted was the worst - they were xesually and ritualistically abusive to me. They were plants, who tried to get me to be dedicated as a bride of satan - I found out later they were in the same branch of luciferianism as my biological donor was in. They were given me specifically to try to junk me up. Because I had not been sacrificed, they decided to dedicate me as a bride of lucifer's. I will not go into details about the ceremony, for it was very evil and dark, but what I can say is they called many demons into me at that point - in hopes that later on, when I actually had a "wedding ceremony" to him that I would be a willing follower of lucifer's.
That is the point when lucifer began to attack me - the torment from demons began at that point. I remember being a toddler and being hurt so badly by demons. Back to my story - the Lord intervened and my parents were notified that I was available to be adopted - here's a cool story, the Lord had shown them what I would look like. Amazing, huh? They came to see me, fell in love, and I moved in with them a few weeks later. I was spared from further SRA for several years. My parents are Spirit - filled Christians who were, at the time, going to a church where revival meetings were taking place. I believe that is where I got a deposit of my calling as a revivalist, just sitting on the floor at two and three years old listening to revival services; being soaked in God's presence. It was amazing.
Salvation and Preaching
My parents tried to have me come to Jesus on July 4, 1993 but because I was so tormented by demons, I didn't want anything to do with Him. However, that night, Jesus came to visit me in my room... He showed me His Love for me... the next morning, He super-ceded the demons and I wanted my mommy to lead me to Jesus. This occurred only a few weeks after I turned three. It was immediately that I began to have a fire burning in me to preach the Gospel. In fact, it was right after I turned four - just a year after getting saved - that I began to go to grocery stores and restaurants and preached His Gospel. I would ask the cashiers and waitresses if they knew Jesus. Some were touched and got saved - some were offended. But, like my daddy said...they could never stop me from preaching; it burned so deeply in me. I remember so often from three-five that I would have these revelations about eternity. I would simply know that people would spend eternity with Jesus or with satan. I use to cry myself to sleep, as a child, feeling the pain of how people would feel if they didn't choose Him. I guess I can say I was always called to be an evangelist.
Persecution Begins
I did have some abuse from the time I was adopted 'til the beginning of Kindergarten ("family" members and the like), but it wasn't as horrific as when I started school - some of my extended family members xesually abused me. But, when I started Kindergarten, the abuse heightened. This is when I began to be persecuted for Jesus. My parents sent me a private "Christian" school - which was principaled by the "pastor" (notice the quotes around those words...many can say they follow Christ but just because they say it doesn't mean they do) of the church. This pastor was also a mason and so, he and his wife began to abuse me. It started out slow but shortly, it became ritualistic. They would rape and xesually abuse and then, they told me they would stop if I denied Jesus as my Savior - apparently, I "preached" too much for them and they wanted to shut me up. I told them no matter what they did to me I would never deny Jesus. They continued to ritualistically abuse me, do rituals on me, and xesually hurt me. By the first grade, my mom got deathly sick and they told me if I ever told my parents what they were doing, that my mom would die from the sickness. Of course, being six years old, I didn't know any better. There were many times I wanted to tell her but I was afraid - she, along with my daddy and gram, were my only friends...the only people in my life, I couldn't lose them. In first grade, this "pastor" finally did a wedding ceremony on me to satan - if you remember from earlier, I had been dedicated as a bride. In luciferianism, the child is usually about six years old when they have a wedding ceremony done. Again, I will not into the graphic details, but I will tell you this - satan showed up. That was my first experience with lucifer. Lucifer told me I needed to deny Christ, but I didn't. Therefore, I was not only being persecuted by humans but by satan himself.
Programming and MK Ultra
You can research MK Ultra, if you want - it is governmental mind control that is performed upon children who are SRA survivors. It tries to create the child to be a slave to the Illuminati's every whim. Well, I had this done to me at the next school I went to. Due to my mom's sickness, I had to switch schools for second and third grade. The principal of that school was related to Joseph Stalin. He had also been in the military - so, he knew all about how to program people. Programming is a long and complicated thing which will take hours to explain, so I suggest you research it, if you are interested. Programming is done by traumatizing a child - usually through severe xesual abuse. This principal, along the assistant principal, several teachers, the school nurse, and the counselor were all involved in the Illuminati/cult. They worked together to abuse and torment me. I would go to the nurse's office almost every day and she would drug me with drugs - I do not know which form, but I do know that from how I explained it to people who used to be drug addicts, they said it sounded like LSD (which is a common drug used for programming). I was drugged in the morning and would be better when I got home. This made me nervous, afraid, anxious... again, they tried to tell me they would stop abusing me IF - AND ONLY IF - I denied Jesus as my Savior. I didn't. They would have these classes in school telling people to worship trees and mother earth, I refused to do it and ran out of class - they then tortured me. My parents never knew about the Mk Ultra and programming until I told them years later (when I could make sense of things) - but one time, I came home from school covered in diarrhea because the school made me sit in it all day. My parents wanted to sue, but the area we were in was so infiltrated - so I finished second and third grade there, then, I was homeschooled. I was called as a revivalist at 7 years old after having a vision and encounter with Him.
Once I was homeschooled, the constant abuse stopped for a few years - however, when I was nine years old, my cous gang raped and abused me. I began to self harm myself at nine years old due to this incident. Then, when I was eleven they - along with my other cousin - gang raped me again. I got pregnant. I was only a few months past my eleventh birthday and I got pregnant. It was during this time that I fell apart. Anyhow, I ended up having a miscarriage a few months later. I must say I was thankful for my daughter going to heaven (I named her Gem) - I was thankful because she would not be hurt like I was. She was safe with Jesus. I began to have horrific health problems at this point BECAUSE I was pregnant so young. Ever since then, I have struggled with many sicknesses.
Church Abuse and the Dark Night of the Soul
Around this same time, I was going to a church and this lady, who was a youth leader, turned out to be a witch, as well. You see, dark witches and satanists have an understanding that - no matter where a person goes - they must be abused. I do not understand how they network works but I do know that no matter where I moved, they seemed to find me and abuse me. This leader was no different - one night, I was just wanting to worship Jesus and she wanted me to play fear factor with the youth group, but I didn't want to. I had just been filled with the Spirit and was becoming lovesick for Jesus. So, she grabbed me by the arm, slammed me into a wall (which broke the plaster, by the way, that's how hard she threw me), and began to scream at me. She told me God hated me, I was going to hell, and that I needed deliverance because I talked about God too much (do you see a common denominator here, yet?). I was shocked, I do not understand what happened next but from that day forward for five years, I entered in the Dark Night of the Soul (which I wrote about in my book Desolation to Consecration). Her words affected me and demons from her began to piggy-back on me. For five years, I could not feel His presence or hear His voice (other than prophetic dreams about things that were happening in the world). I was devastated. I cried out every night, for five and a half years, for like four to six hours every night begging God to come and encounter me. Not only was I not feeling or hearing Him, but the tormented heated up during this time. This is a whole story in itself for another day or you can read my book.
High School
I began public school again my freshman year. The first day I walked into school, the bullying began. I had my Jesus bracelet on and one of the boys in homeroom started making fun of me for being a Jesus freak. He mocked me and kept asking if I was a Jesus freak. I, of course, told him yes. He made everybody in my homeroom make fun of me. The teasing started slowly, mostly just with those in my homeroom until about a month into school. I was in my English class in Oct. 2004 and my English teacher wanted us to read a book out loud, taking turns. I refused to do it for it mocked Jesus and took His Name in vain. She was infuriated with me. She did all kinds of crazy things to me about it but I still said, no I will not diss my Savior. I will not take His Name in vain. It was that day that marked the beginning of the torment in high school. By the end of the day, my entire grade heard about what I had said and they began mocking me, cussing Jesus' Name in front of me, and putting gum on my seat.
The gum thing led to bigger problems - by the end of the next week, the entire school knew about what happened and people I didn't even knew who they were wrote me hate notes, threw things at me in the hallway, did xesual things to me, cursed at me, threatened to rape me, all kinds of things. Soon, the death threats came. The first death threat came around Christmas break my freshman year. I opened my locker (my lock had been stolen by some of my bullies) and there was a death threat written to me. I went to the counselors and they laughed at me, told me it wasn't a big deal but then, they ended up ushering all the kids out of school (or locking down the school), sometimes, I got a death threat. THEY tried to get me to deny Jesus, as well. But, again, I never would. By my junior year, I had a person tell me they had a gun in school and would kill me with it. Satan came to school and I saw him walking through the halls, he was laughing at me. I prayed in tongues. It was a few minutes later that I found the gun threat. Our school was locked down but I was forced to remain in class with everybody (as if that was safe - who was to say the person with the gun wasn't in class with me?). It was around that time He began to talk to me heavily about martyrdom. My life was meant only for Him and I was willing to die for Him
At this point, I struggled every day with self - harm, an eating disorder, and self hatred. At the end of my junior year, I attempted suicide. But, as I was above my body (not sure if I was dying or I was high, whichever whatever...) He told me, "Hepzibah, it is not your time to come home yet, I have too many things for you" and He put me back into my body.
Because we lived in such a small community, there were no other schools around and I could not be homeschooled again - but my senior year, we found another Christian school in the town over from us. I was bullied there, too, even had death threats but it wasn't as bad as the other school.
Finally, toward the last few months of high school, the Dark Night lifted and He flooded me with His Presence. During this time, the Lakeland Revival was going on and I could not stop watching it. I was so touched by God there - in fact, that made me get bullied at the Christian school because they said I was too crazy for Jesus. As if ANYBODY can be too crazy for Jesus ;-) For my 18th birthday, we went to Lakeland (which just so happens to be where I was born, imagine that...full circle) and I got wrecked! For the next two years, I was blasted and consumed by His Presence daily. I was constantly drunk in His Love. It was amazing. In 2009, the Lord told me to start ministry full time and I did. I ended up having this huge online ministry - between my Facebook and youtube, I got to minister to over 750,000 people! It was incredible! My youtube videos were even put on secular tv (many got saved from those videos...). It was amazing. Holy Spirit was pouring His presence out greatly. However, in 2010 this all stopped. You see, the cult has this time in a person's life where they must "willingly" follow satan or die - this is called a "call-back". My age was 20. Throughout my life, I did not think I would live past my 20th birthday because of this. I made a declaration that I was a member of Jesus' bride on my birthday, I even took pictures in my wedding dress with my wedding ring on for Jesus. Yes, I lived passed June 19, 2010 but entered into an intense season of warfare. Because I did not follow satan at that time, I began to be tortured by the demons and lucifer again - true, this had never stopped but intensified after my 20th birthday. Lucifer himself came to me and said, "if you do not deny Jesus, I will make you sick." Again, I didn't...they are wasting their time, I will never deny Jesus. But, hence, I got cancer. I began to be sick around this time. I even died and was resurrected several times (oh how amazing it was to be with Jesus...sigh). The torment was constant, the luciferians got involved and began to harass and attack me, as well. I was very broken, so much pain emotionally, physically, and spiritually...but I decided to use their abuse to minister to them - I minister to them about Jesus. At first, they wouldn't get saved but now, thousands of cult members have been saved. All thanks to Jesus.
You see, we should never hate those who hurt us - I have seen first hand what Jesus' love does to a person. I have seen Him change even my worst abusers. Am I sick still? Yes. He healed me from Multiple Myeloma a few years back but, now, I deal with bone cancer. Do I still deal with warfare daily? Yes. But, it is all for the glory of God. I magnify Him in my sufferings because He told me, when I was in heaven, the following (and this is true for you, too)
Jesus has said to me, "everything they do to you, they do to Me - for I Am in you."
If you glean anything from my testimony, please know that He is never ever ever to be given up matter how bad your torment is.
If you would like to find out more about my ministry, please go to
Jesus adores you and I am praying for you. Feel free to inbox or e-mail me with your prayer requests or questions.
Check out my book, I Choose Jesus, as well.
Hepzibah <3
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