Separated for the better - Joel Osteen

When friends, a family member, or a business get out of your hands and you have no choice but to part with it the situation can be very difficult. It causes emotional surges, distresses. You wonder why God allowed this into my life? Why is this suffering?

We need to understand that in order for God to bless us with something, we need to let go of a few things. Somethings must die in order for something greater to arise in your life. God uses the sybology of the threshing floor where the wheat is ground to separate the chaff from the wheat. For God's purposes to be fulfilled in your life, he needs to separate certain things from you to make you more wheater and less of chaff. The grinding will be a difficult process but you need that to become what God wants you to be.

Listen fully to this sermon by pastor Joel Osteen and realize why God wants you to be separated!


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