Happy birthday Jesus!

Jesus has no beginning nor end, does he need a birthday party?
We are approaching Christmas season, something in me triggered traditional Christians wild because I reason things, I reason everything. I understood Christmas was not originally a Christian festival, but was a pagan festival celebrated to glorify the Sun gods. A lot of close friends sincere believers too just don't want anything to be talk against our good Lord's precious birthday, it is better not to know anything that can stop them celebrating.

Jesus back into Christmas

Year after year I hear preachers meticulously telling us to "put back Jesus in the celebrations" because they clearly sensed he was not there. But let me ask, was Jesus ever there in Christmas? I mean in the original Christmas? Or even in any of our celebrations? any single year? What have we give Jesus for his birthday? Did we follow his words - "preach the Gospel to all nations?" I think not.

We took new clothes, some gave presents to each other (not to Jesus), and cheerfully go to Church (God will be happy if we simply 'go to church...') and do some ritualistic meaningless things and hope God would have been happy. Atleast thank God he's not here to express his unhappiness.

Wrestling with deceptions
Jesus' birthday celebration

The question is are we celebrating Jesus' birthday to please him or are we doing some unknown ritualistic things in the name of tradition that may not glorify God but glorify pagan idolatrous spirits and anger God? The question is important. We must give serious thought to this this because if in case this mysterious celebration can in anyway anger God, I certainly don't want to be a part of it. Do you?

Isn't it sinful not to celebrate the "BIRTHDAY" of our God?

Yes indeed. IF our God was only born on that day! but he was pre-existant and eternal. Does his coming into the world mean his "birth-day?" Was Jesus first created on his birthday like how we are born into the world? For Jesus there is no beginning nor is there an end.

No! He just came as man that's all. Jesus taking a form as a human is not so significant as what his mission objectives were. 

He was the redeemer of our souls, the forgiver of our sins, the justifier of man with God. He was the Promised Saviour of mankind! His ultimate mission was to come and give his life as a ransom for all as sacrifice, he was the Sacrificial Lamb that takes away the sins of the whole world. This is his highest prioritized work not the birth. 

If we think we can please God by celebrating him, we can do so by celebrating his ultimiate top priotity mission objective - THE CRUCIFIXION. Perhaps he will appreaciate us more than he appreaciates us celebrating something his birthday.


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