Mind-blowing truth revealed on ownership of the Universe
Before we jump right into the core truths that reveal who is the rightful owner of everything including the celestial realm, I want you to look in to some background information from Genesis and dictionary definitions which will help us to perfectly derive the legal ownership of both the Heaven and Earth.
Some definitions:
God had spoken man's domination over all creation even before creating man, "let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion ..." Gen 1:26,
Immediately after creating man the very first thing God did was to Bless him (Gen1:28):
1. Be fruitful and multiply
2. Replenish the earth
3. subdue it (earth)
4. have domination (over all living things)
There is a visible channel God uses to route the blessings in the Old Testament. A definite line that passes through certain important persons as carrying the line of blessings.
Very first person to receive blessing was Adam. Unfortunately he lost his divination through the fall into sin, and again in Gen. 9:1 God made a covenant with Noah, speak the same blessing as in Gen1:28
And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Gen 9:1,2,7-17. The blessing was passed on to his son Shem, and the other two did not get it.
This is where God's promise of blessing to all mankind is given.
This type of covenant has been existent throughout the ancient civilizations (especially ancient Africa and still exist in remote parts), and has been seen in history to be absolutely strong and unbreakable, this type of covenant is spiritually bound and not written on paper only. And if anyone violates the terms of agreement a deadly curse sets on him and his generation, so no one dares breaking it.
God performs a Blood Covenant with Abraham in Genesis chapter 15. Abraham doesn't have much to offer to God but God has everything - the Heavens and the Earth are His possessions; and God is willing to share it with Abraham, offer protection of Heavenly powers, and share every resource and wealth with Abraham and his descendants! Usually the two parties taking the covenant has mutual benefits, but here one had nothing to give and God had everything!
A strange and mysterious Priest who is also the a King suddenly appears out of nowhere. As per the laws of Moses any Priest cannot be a King and a King in no way be a Priest. The mysterious King and Priest Melchizedek, a priest of God Most High, brings bread and wine to Abram and proclaims
You and I are the rightful owner of the Heaven and Earth through Jesus Christ
Through belief in Jesus Christ by God's laws we are legal heirs of the Blessings of Abraham! Which makes you and me to be a rightful owner of the entire Universe!
It's that mind-blowing? This is not a cooked up story but applying God's laws described in the Bible we know that Satan cannot keep us in bondage anymore. We now know who we are and what we have as our rightful possession! Satan has to run with all his shortcomings, our financial instability, lacks and wants must fly away into nothing. Blessings from God must overcome every area of our lives.
We can be whichever way we want till we don't know, but after we knew what is in store for us why should we be silent? God has provisioned us this blessing through Jesus. The crucifixion cancelled the sum of debts that was standing against us. Now Satan is powerless, the powers of Sin has been cancelled.
Let us now go and get what is rightfully ours!
Some definitions:
Dominion means ruling control, ruling power, exercising ownership, domination, subjection, subduing, to keep control of the sphere of influence.
Blessing according to the Bible is a definite entity existing spiritually which has divine power. In the Bible, Blessing has been perfectly channelized by God to a very chosen few under the Old Covenant and now is given to all believers in the New Covenant.
God had spoken man's domination over all creation even before creating man, "let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion ..." Gen 1:26,
Immediately after creating man the very first thing God did was to Bless him (Gen1:28):
1. Be fruitful and multiply
2. Replenish the earth
3. subdue it (earth)
4. have domination (over all living things)
There is a visible channel God uses to route the blessings in the Old Testament. A definite line that passes through certain important persons as carrying the line of blessings.
Very first person to receive blessing was Adam. Unfortunately he lost his divination through the fall into sin, and again in Gen. 9:1 God made a covenant with Noah, speak the same blessing as in Gen1:28
And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Gen 9:1,2,7-17. The blessing was passed on to his son Shem, and the other two did not get it.
This is where God's promise of blessing to all mankind is given.
Gen. 12:1-3 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.God calls Abraham for a powerful agreement system, The most powerful agreement between two people in all ages is the cutting of the Blood Covenant. This kind of agreement is made between thick friends, tribes, business associates etc where the two parties wow to protect each other as if they are of the same family, share all weaponry and offer protection, share all resources and wealth, and will give even their lives to save the other.
This type of covenant has been existent throughout the ancient civilizations (especially ancient Africa and still exist in remote parts), and has been seen in history to be absolutely strong and unbreakable, this type of covenant is spiritually bound and not written on paper only. And if anyone violates the terms of agreement a deadly curse sets on him and his generation, so no one dares breaking it.
God performs a Blood Covenant with Abraham in Genesis chapter 15. Abraham doesn't have much to offer to God but God has everything - the Heavens and the Earth are His possessions; and God is willing to share it with Abraham, offer protection of Heavenly powers, and share every resource and wealth with Abraham and his descendants! Usually the two parties taking the covenant has mutual benefits, but here one had nothing to give and God had everything!
A strange and mysterious Priest who is also the a King suddenly appears out of nowhere. As per the laws of Moses any Priest cannot be a King and a King in no way be a Priest. The mysterious King and Priest Melchizedek, a priest of God Most High, brings bread and wine to Abram and proclaims
This priest brings Bread and Wine which is the symbolic of Blood Covenant (and Communion) and declares Abram to be a "Possessor of heaven and earth" because Abram is now a Covenant man with God who owns everything! Which equates Abram also to be the rightful owner and possessor of all Earthly and Celestial things!“Blessed be Abram of God Most High,
Possessor of heaven and earth;
And blessed be God Most High,
Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” - Genesis 14:19, 20
You and I are the rightful owner of the Heaven and Earth through Jesus Christ
Through belief in Jesus Christ by God's laws we are legal heirs of the Blessings of Abraham! Which makes you and me to be a rightful owner of the entire Universe!
It's that mind-blowing? This is not a cooked up story but applying God's laws described in the Bible we know that Satan cannot keep us in bondage anymore. We now know who we are and what we have as our rightful possession! Satan has to run with all his shortcomings, our financial instability, lacks and wants must fly away into nothing. Blessings from God must overcome every area of our lives.
We can be whichever way we want till we don't know, but after we knew what is in store for us why should we be silent? God has provisioned us this blessing through Jesus. The crucifixion cancelled the sum of debts that was standing against us. Now Satan is powerless, the powers of Sin has been cancelled.
Let us now go and get what is rightfully ours!
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