Can the dead talk to you in dreams?

This is a question I'm pondering upon for years, as I myself get a lot of "Visitation Dreams" of my dead mother coming in dreams at crucial times in life, giving essential guidance when I really needed it most. It's been about 12 years since my mother's death and I've had around 8 such dreams. I have never thought so seriously about these dreams until one of my friend told me a very similar story about his family member coming to him in dreams. Both my dreams and his dreams were absolutely identical, the dead person stays for a very short time during the visit, gives instruction and leaves immediately. The dead person is regenerated into a state of absolute perfection, etc.

This shocked me and forced me into searching for the answers, Can the dead really speak to us through dreams? Are they able to interact with those who are alive? I googled this question many times and closed the websites that came unsatisfactorily - all of the websites talking about dreams and stuff belonged to some small weird belief groups trying to sell their 'Psychic meditation' ebooks or videos.

I've found some good material in a website which perfectly describes the kind of dream that I was experiencing:
  • Characteristic #1:  The most important characteristic of a true visitation dream is that it feels “real.”  It will also be very vivid.
  • Characteristic #2:  If you have to ask whether the visitation dream was really a visitation dream, then it probably was NOT a visitation dream.  They are so real and vivid that you won’t have to ask this question.  When you do have a visitation dream, you may wonder if it was truly real; but in your heart or gut, you will “know” it was real.
  • Characteristic #3:  Because they are so real and so vivid, you will remember visitation dreams very clearly for days, months, years . . . probably for your entire lifetime!
  • Characteristic #4:  The person (or animal) will almost always appear in the dream to be completely healthy and behaving in a loving manner.  They will rarely appear sick or injured.  They will never be angry, disappointed, depressed, or punishing.  They will be “whole, complete, and perfect” because they are now reconnected with God/Source energy.
  • Characteristic #5: Whether or not they speak to you verbally in the dream, they will communicate very clearly.  (NOTE:  As you’ll see in the next two examples, in neither of the dreams did actual verbal communication occur; the messages were conveyed telepathically and were completely clear.)
  • Characteristic #6:  When they do communicate (either verbally or non-verbally), it isn’t because they want to engage in idle “chit-chat.”  It isn’t easy for deceased loves ones to enter a dream.  They come with a purpose, and they will convey the message and then be gone.
  • Characteristic #7:  Most often, their messages fall into the category of “reassurance.”  They come to let you know that they are fine and that they want you to be happy.  Occasionally, they will come with a warning; however, when giving a warning, they will give you loving support and you will feel reassured by their presence.
  • Characteristic #8:  After a visitation dream, when you wake up, you will often be filled with a sense of peace and love.
After I read these eight points, I was convinced that the dead can really come and speak to us in dreams, until I googled again...

"Does the Bible speak of the dead visiting us in our dreams?"

NO.... it states just the opposite. 
The Word tells us a barrier (or gulf)  exists between the dead and those alive. 
But it also tells us that satan is the biggest trickster and can and does mimick those who have died, whether in dreams or as ghosts we sometimes see or hear. 
Dont buy into the hype... and don't be deceived.
At this I was shocked once again, there are websites giving several Bible references but none could really get to my answer straight.

Both the souls of believers and unbelievers go to a place where they cannot be in touch with our natural world. In 2 Peter 2, Peter writes, “For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment . . . then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment” (2 Pet 2:4,9).

If these dreams are demon spirits coming to imitate our dead relatives, then they are interested in us so much that they pay much attention to fake the dead person in our dreams. These spirits may be trying to make us used to them interacting with us that at one point we will become so dependent on them that we want them though we may find out those are not actually our relative at all! This is one such step to demonic possession which I learned from the recent movie "The Conjuring".

Pastor John Hamel has written a beautiful article on 7 Steps on demonic possession: Christ’s disciples are in the Earth to set people free, not to cooperate with their bondage through ignorance.

In this lesson we will look at some of the steps Satan takes people through in order to ultimately control and possess them.  Satan seldom possesses a person in one felled swoop. Human beings are smart, so he moves in a little bit at a time, knowing exactly to where he is taking them.

If you recognize any of these steps occurring in your life, immediately resist, rebuke and command Satan to loose you in those areas. (James 4:7)


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