
Showing posts from 2015

Ten Bible prophecies fulfilled recently

Christ in Scriptures - book by book

No matter who you are He simply loves you!

Open air preaching - how to start your pitch

Kingdom Builders: HIJACKED

My Day in Court


Separated for the better - Joel Osteen


What happens when a believer sins?

A list of false teachings in the Roman Catholic Church

Abrahamic Blessings

Death of Apostles

Dangers of Yoga

Yoga led her to New Age movement

Should Christians practice Yoga?

Men who abused God and died

100 Simple Health Tips You Must Follow

Six things to keep in mind when celebrating Mother's Day

Always On Duty

Troubles Won’t Last

"Your Sacred Self" by Dr. Wayne Dyer

The Beggar - Rich man partnership

The Pagan Origin of Easter

Empty bird cage

Why Christians Should Support Israel?

NASA proves that the Bible is true